Wittenborg Students Enjoy Scenic Boat Tour in Amsterdam

Wittenborg Students Enjoy Scenic Boat Tour in Amsterdam

Wittenborg Students Enjoy Scenic Boat Tour in Amsterdam

Students Connect Around Amsterdam's Historic Canals

On June 14, Wittenborg organised an exciting event to foster community spirit among its students. The student events committee arranged a delightful boat ride through the scenic canals of Amsterdam.

Mehak Panwar, a student and events committee member, said that the trip showed bachelor's and master's students the vibrant culture of Amsterdam. "We got to see the canals, the traditional Dutch houses with narrow facades and the terraces that show the cultural heritage of Amsterdam."

Panwar explained that they saw many sights, including the NEMO Science Museum, which is shaped like a ship. "Apart from that, we saw the houseboats, each boat with its own unique characteristics. The whole trip was full of beautiful views."

During the boat trip, students engaged with each other and shared food and drinks, having fun and making jokes. Panwar said that quite a few students came. "I did not expect this number of students to show up. I was amazed to see their enthusiasm."

Panwar believes that these events enhance social skills, including interaction and communication. "These kinds of events have a lot to do with your social and academic growth."

Charles Facey, an EBA (Entrepreneurial Business Administration) student, said that he had done boat tours personally before, but this time he spoke to students he does not normally come into contact with. "The canals overall are also just nice. It’s kind of a different perspective than simply just walking around."

Another EBA student, Parsa Rafia, said that the event exceeded his expectations. "Having fun with other students is always good."

For MBA (Master of Business Administration) student Urvashi Dalal, the highlights were seeing the churches, different canal routes, houses and cafes. "The event gave us a chance to socialise and get to know each other in an easy, chill environment."

Another MBA student, Bentolhoda Ranaei, also said she made some friends and that seeing buildings and streets from a different angle is always interesting. "As an immigrant, anything that enhances my social interaction is helpful."

WUP 28/06/2024 
by Erene Roux 
©WUAS Press 






Wittenborg Students Enjoy Scenic Boat Tour in Amsterdam
Wittenborg Students Enjoy Scenic Boat Tour in Amsterdam
Wittenborg Students Enjoy Scenic Boat Tour in Amsterdam