Wittenborg Launches First Student Satisfaction Survey

Wittenborg Launches First Student Satisfaction Survey

 Wittenborg Launches First Student Satisfaction Survey

Questionnaire can be completed up until next Friday, 19 July

Wittenborg students from all campuses and locations have the opportunity to provide feedback on what is working well and what needs improvement at the school, by filling out the Wittenborg Student Satisfaction Survey by next Friday, 19 July. 

The questionnaire includes two sections: ‘Satisfaction with Teaching’ and ‘Overall Satisfaction’. It consists mainly of quick Likert-scale items and can be completed in approximately three minutes. Additionally, there is an open-ended question at the end, enabling respondents to provide written feedback. 

This is the first overall satisfaction survey of its kind, and the plan is to conduct it annually.  

According to Head of Education Development and Quality Management Kriszta Kaspers, the goal is to have at least 20% of Wittenborg students complete the survey, which corresponds to around 200 to 300 respondents. She adds that gathering information on overall student satisfaction is highly beneficial for the school, as it allows for a better understanding of the student experience. 

“Based on the information fed into our assurance of learning system, we continue to improve and optimise the student experience. Another important aspect is that we will use this information for the QS Stars rating audit we are currently undergoing, which will offer further opportunities for improvement.” 

Wittenborg president Peter Birdsall encourages students to complete the survey, emphasising that their feedback is invaluable and will be taken seriously by the school’s lecturers and staff members. “To provide the best possible education, we need to listen to our community members and understand their needs. Therefore, we invite all of our students to participate in the survey and share the link with their peers,” he says.

WUP 12/07/2024 
by Ulisses Sawczuk 
©WUAS Press