Wittenborg CEO Weighs in on Apeldoorn's Economic Strategy for 2040

Wittenborg CEO Weighs in on Apeldoorn's Economic Strategy for 2040

Wittenborg CEO Weighs in on Apeldoorn's Economic Strategy for 2040

Maggie Feng Attends Meeting to Discuss Apeldoorn's Economic Strategy

The municipality of Apeldoorn is continuing its work on its Economic Strategy (Economische Koers), which aims to transform the city into a hub of innovation and sustainability by 2040.

In the coming years, Apeldoorn, capital of the Veluwe, will experience significant developments as it grows towards a population of at least 180,000 by 2040. This growth necessitates a supportive business environment that fosters entrepreneurship, innovation and expansion. Through this strategy, Apeldoorn is actively progressing towards a green and innovative economy, aiming to enhance prosperity across the city and the region.

To advance these goals, the Municipality of Apeldoorn invited local and regional stakeholders, including Wittenborg CEO Maggie Feng, to NewTechPark in Zwitsal, Apeldoorn on 11 June.

Councillor Nick Derks kickstarted the session, welcoming participants and outlining Apeldoorn's economic vision. The meeting focused on refining the implementation programme's decision-making criteria, setting goals and fostering networking opportunities. 

"In these discussions, we examined the strategy's goals and subgoals, providing feedback on what requires clarification," Feng explains. "The atmosphere was positive, constructive and hopeful. There was a clear focus on students, young talent, and fostering collaboration between business and education. This approach is innovative and very encouraging," she adds.

Strategic Focus on Innovation & Sustainability

A draft of the Economic Strategy for 2040 is currently under review by the municipality. They are now busy collecting and reviewing feedback, which will be compiled into a public input report. The final decision on the document is expected to be made by the City Council in October.

At the moment, the strategy outlines plans to foster innovative entrepreneurship by ensuring sustainable employment through modern, attractive work locations for residents and regional workers. It also aims to enhance education and security by expanding the network of educational institutions and reinforcing Apeldoorn's reputation as a safe city. Promoting regional collaboration is another key focus, strengthening ties with partners to boost economic growth and job opportunities.

Addressing major societal challenges is pivotal to the plan, including urbanisation, safety, digitalisation, healthcare pressures, housing shortages and the transition to a sustainable economy. The strategy emphasises green growth and innovation, positioning Apeldoorn as a leader in sustainable urban development and energy transition. Key initiatives include creating future-proof work locations that encourage innovation and sustainable practices, and fostering a robust entrepreneurial climate where businesses can thrive and innovate.

Overall, Apeldoorn aims to be an attractive place to live, work and experience by 2040, appealing to businesses, talents, residents and visitors alike.

WUP 20/06/2024
by Erene Roux
©WUAS Press










Wittenborg CEO Weighs in on Apeldoorn's Economic Strategy for 2040
Wittenborg CEO Weighs in on Apeldoorn's Economic Strategy for 2040
Wittenborg CEO Weighs in on Apeldoorn's Economic Strategy for 2040