EBA Students Spearhead Innovative Solution to LinkedIn Profile Pictures

EBA Students Spearhead Innovative Solution to LinkedIn Profile Pictures


HeadStart aims to enhance students' LinkedIn profiles 

EBA Students Spearhead

n an exciting display of entrepreneurship, a group of EBA (Entrepreneurial Business Administration) students from Wittenborg in Amsterdam has unveiled an innovative startup aimed at addressing a pressing need among their peers: professional LinkedIn profile photos.  

Branded as 'HeadStart', the venture offers tailored photography services designed to boost students' presence on LinkedIn and improve their prospects in the job market.  

Spearheaded by Wittenborg students, Arsenii Vinnitskii, Leila Keller and Narges Najafi, this new venture emerged as a result of their class projects guided by Senior Lecturer Andreas Ooijer.  

When asked about how they came up with the idea, Narges explained that she is a professional photographer. "I have always thought about the fact that I need a new photo for my LinkedIn profile. I also checked the app and saw that most people don't have nice photos. I also have some friends who are in the job market. When they were searching for a job, they always asked me, 'When do you have time to take a picture for my profile?'"